Breaking Free: Owning Life and Business on Her Own Terms

May 26, 2023

Charlyn shares her experience working with Asuna. 

What has your experience been with the program?

My experience working with you has been overwhelmingly positive. I just want to thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart.

I was initially somewhat skeptical of meeting another coach because I already had my business development coach and my therapist, but I quickly realized what you were offering was really different than other opportunities out there. You really helped me break through a wall that I'd been banging my head up against for a very, very long time. The program has been really critical for me to understand the root of my chronic stress and burnout.

In the last ten years or so, I've been in a bit of a plateau. Whatever you did helped me break through that plateau. For the first time in a long time, I feel more hopeful. You helped unlock some of those things that really just helped me progress, and I just want to express my appreciation and gratitude.

“You really helped me break through a wall that I'd been banging my head up against for a very, very long time.”

What has been one of the biggest transformations for you?

When I started working with you, I had been experiencing immense stress and discouragement as a partner at a big firm, feeling a complete lack of support from the workplace that I had dedicated a significant portion of my adult career to. Now, I've started my own firm and I feel much more capable of deciding for myself what I need in life, instead of being told what to do by another person or company, which has been really transformational for me.

From an early childhood age, so many of us are told: “You must go to these schools.” “You must get to these kinds of jobs.” Then once you're in those jobs, “You must get to these certain positions.”

The narrative for me has completely shifted in a way that I believe is really healthy. I attribute that a lot to the lessons that you gave me.

"There's only a certain amount you can push yourself. For me, it was my body telling me this is too much. My mind was still willing to go, but my body was telling me this is just too much. ”

Who would you recommend me to?

People like myself who are high performing professionals who have been on the same trajectory that I have been, which is “career, career, career,” but are now feeling burnout because we have strived for something that is not actually rewarding once we get there. The motivations were extrinsic rather than intrinsic.

But only until we've reached a certain point of fatigue do we realize that those external motivations are insufficient to keep us going because there's only a certain amount you can push yourself. For me, it was my body telling me this is too much. My mind was still willing to go, but my body was telling me this is just too much.

Anything you might want to say to anyone who is on the fence about working with me?

It’s worth trying. You'll probably be surprised that these techniques work! I think many of us have tried many things that have not worked, so there might be some skepticism that this is just like another guided meditation on YouTube. I was in that same camp, but your program is not the same and takes a different approach that is very effective.

Give it a try! Because what’s the worst that can happen? But the best that can happen is a complete, utter shift in your mindset, putting you on a path forward to a much healthier, happier life.

Want to learn how to overcome burnout and get on a path towards a healthier, happier life like Charlyn?